What is a MoodSense?

Everything you need to know about MoodSense.

Victoria Mackie avatar
Written by Victoria Mackie
Updated over a week ago

MoodSense is a tool used by Champions in your organisations to quickly check-in and see how you’re doing or feeling at that moment.

Champions are assigned by your organisation. They can do everything a User can do whilst also having the ability to raise MoodSense questions and take ownership of Trickles and act on them to help reach a positive resolution.

Voting on a MoodSense

You respond to a MoodSense question or statement by selecting a face from sad to happy. Your response to a MoodSense is always anonymous so you can freely share your opinion or feelings.

Once you have selected a face, you click "Submit Vote" and you will be notified that your vote has been counted.

MoodSense Guidance and Sharing

Once you have submitted your MoodSense vote, you can access further resources or top tips via the "Guidance" tab.

You can share the MoodSense post with colleagues via the "Share Link" tab.

You can also check-in on how many people have voted, and how long is left until the MoodSense closes. The Champion who posts the MoodSense decides how long a MoodSense is active for, which can range from 3-14 days.

MoodSense Results

After the vote closes the results will be visible for everyone to see on the activity feed.

Your Champions Team will then review the results and decide on next steps to better understand any issues or challenges raised.

💡 Tip: Participating in a MoodSense is really important. It lets your organisation know if they need to take action to make improvements.

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