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All CollectionsTrickle Features Explained
Everything you need to know about a Trickle
Everything you need to know about a Trickle

How to post, comment, support, react and vote on a Trickle.

Victoria Mackie avatar
Written by Victoria Mackie
Updated over 8 months ago

A Trickle is a post that you can use to raise issues, ask questions, share suggestions or offer your opinion. After a Trickle is posted it appears in the Activity Feed.

Trickles are a way for you to share your voice within your organisation and say what’s really on your mind.

Trickles are prioritised based on the interactions they receive. The more comments, follows and flames a Trickle gets, the more important and visible it becomes.

Champions in your organisation can take ownership of Trickles. Champions are assigned by your organisation and they can do everything a User can do whilst also having the ability to take ownership of Trickles that need to be worked on to facilitate a positive solution.

You can vote on a Trickle once it's been completed with a thumbs up 👍 or down 👎.

You can view all completed Trickles by going to the "Completed" tab on the blue sidebar - this enables you to easily see what Trickles have previously been raised and their outcomes 💫.

How do I post a Trickle on Desktop?

Select 'New Post' at the top of your screen and choose Trickle from the options.

Select Audience

Choose the most relevant audience for your post, this might be your department, people at your location or the whole organisation. You can also choose multiple departments or locations using the dropdown link for each of these.

Type your Trickle

You create a Trickle by typing a title (max 280 words) and a body of text (max 8000 words - the body of text is optional if you want to post a longer Trickle). You can also include URL’s and attach photos. As you type, any previous Trickles posted with similar key words will pop up on the right enabling you to check if the issue or idea has been previously raised.

Optional Anonymity

You can post the Trickle as yourself or, if you’d prefer to remain anonymous, you can select the "post anonymously" box. If you tick this box, your post will appear under a pseudonym and you cannot be identified from this. You can read more about anonymity on Trickle here.

Choose Category

You can choose a category by selecting relevant options from the "What do you think this Trickle affects?" dropdown menu.

Share Trickle

Once you have finished typing hit ‘Post Now’ and your Trickle will appear in the Activity Feed. See an example of an anonymously posted Trickle below:

What happens once I post a Trickle?

Once a Trickle is posted, this is what you will see on the activity feed (example Trickle):

On the Trickle you can see the following information:

  • Trickle stage - this is the numbered dial with stages 1 - new, 2 - assigned to Champion, 3 - put to a vote, 4 - complete)

  • Trickle audience - eg. #everyone

  • Trickle category - eg. #culture, #morale

  • Started by - who raised the Trickle

  • Number of views

  • Comments

  • Link to share 🔗

  • Support status 🔥 - all users can click on the Flame Support tab to "score" the Trickle. When a user clicks on this tab, this is the view they see below - they simply choose the size of flame that reflects how important the Trickle is to them and assign support either as themselves or anonymously.

Once you've posted a Trickle, people can participate in discussion by posting comments on the Trickle.

A Trickle Champion from within your organisation will take ownership of the Trickle in order to move it to completion by providing updates that appear in the comments and finally providing a proposal that will go to a vote.

Once a proposal is added by a Champion, people following the Trickle have 7 days to vote 👍 or 👎. If you’re following a Trickle you will receive a notification when it is going to vote, so you won't miss out on the chance to have your say.

A Trickle requires the number of positive votes to be equal to or greater than the number of negative votes in order for it to be completed.

How do I post a Trickle on Mobile App?

You have two options, you can either select 'What's on your mind?' at the top of the screen or select the + icon in the blue circle on the bottom right of your screen.

Clicking on either of these buttons will bring you to an area 'New Post' where you can then select Trickle.

Select audience

You can choose the most relevant audience for your post, this might be your department, people at your location or the whole organisation.

Type your Trickle

Enter what you’d like to say in the text box. Trickles have a 280 character limit, but if this isn’t enough you can continue typing in the comment section. As you type, any previous Trickles posted with similar key words will pop up on the right enabling you to check if the issue or idea has been previously raised. You also have the option to add images to your Trickle. To add an image select the camera icon to take a photo using your device or you can select an image from your device’s image gallery.


Before you share your Trickle, select whether you want to post publicly as yourself or post anonymously. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous you can select the anonymity box.

Share Trickle

Once you have finished typing click on the blue arrow at the top right of your screen and your colleagues will be able to view your post in the Activity Feed.

💡 Tip: Anything can be a Trickle but the best Trickles are ones that are specific and solvable.

Here are some Trickle examples:

Is there any way that we could get a virtual ergonomic desk assessment?

At the end of our Monday meeting can we have a social chat for 20 minutes? It would be great to catch up with everyone before the new week starts.

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